There are two ways you can upload bills/statements for your Online Accounts:

From the Accounts Page:

  • On the Accounts Page, select an account from the Accounts list
  • Click on the Statements Tab
  • Click on the Upload button and select the bill/statement to upload from your computer
  • OR if there is a virtual statement created for the bill/statement you are looking to upload, click on the drop-down menu to the right of the virtual statement and select "Attach Bill".

From the File Cabinet:

  • On the File Cabinet Page, click on the Bills or Statements Tab, depending on the typre of Account you are uploading a bill or statement for
  • Select the account folder
  • Click on the Upload button and select the bill/statement to upload from your computer
  • OR if there is a virtual statement created for the bill/statement you are looking to upload, click on the drop-down menu to the right of the virtual statement and select "Attach Bill".